From Atoms to Higgs Boson View Front MatterView Back Matter

From Atoms to Higgs Boson

Voyages in Quasi-Spacetime

by Chary Rangacharyulu and Christopher Polachic

This book deals with the most important aspects of physics from a new philosophical perspective. It provides a brief overview of those key aspects and can be read as an introductory book in physics, with the initial chapters dedicated to the philosophy of physics.

The book has eleven chapters dealing with relativity, quantum physics, atoms, photons, symmetries, and Higgs boson. It is recommended for anyone who wants to understand physics a little bit more deeply than in a typical undergraduate course.

Mircea Dragoman, Optics & Photonics News
  • Format: eBook
  • ISBN: 9780429027659
  • Subject: Astronomy
  • Published: November -0001