Having earned chemical accuracy and physical reality, quantum transport theory, which dates back to the Landauer theory in the mesoscopic physics field, is expanding its power over material science and chemistry, forming a new subject of non-equilibrium quantum transport theory for charge and heat at the nanoscale. This growing subject invites cross-disciplinary developments: for example, the local heating theory developed there was examined and applied to the self-heating problem in the field of semiconductor and nanoelectronic device physics. Considering this, a reprint book compiling key important papers into a single comprehensive volume is convenient and comprehensive. In this volume, 25 papers are collected and compiled into 4 sections. A brief introduction given in each section will help readers with various backgrounds. The book will appeal to anyone involved in charge and/or heat transport problems that are widely spread over various subjects in material science, chemistry, electrical engineering, and condensed matter physics.
Key Features:
- A comprehensive reprint book compiling key important papers into a single volume
- 25 papers are collected and compiled into 4 sections. A brief introduction given in each section will help broad readers with various backgrounds.
- This book will appeal to anyone involved in charge and/or heat transport problems widely spread over various subjects in material science, chemistry, electrical engineering, and condensed matter physics.