Quantum Transport Calculations for Nanosystems
“Electron and heat transport in nanosystems is a burgeoning field, not least due to the rapid downscaling of transistor technology. Computer simulations play a crucial role for the development of the next generations of nanoelectronics. A wide range of theoretical methods and computational tools are needed in order to bridge conductor length scales from the macroscopic regime down to single atoms and molecules and to cover the plethora of transport phenomena on the way. This book provides an excellent starting point and overview for the beginner and covers the basics of the transport theory, including exercises. It also serves as a rich source of material for the advanced researcher in the field with its detailed references and descriptions of state-of-the-art computational methods. In many ways, this ambitious book bridges the wide field of quantum transport and will be a useful reference to a wide audience.”
Prof. Mads Brandbyge, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
- Format: Hardcover
- ISBN: 9789814267328
- Subject: Quantum Electronics
- Published: April 2014
- Pages: 523
USD $149.95
For Course Instructors: Inspection Copies