Over the past few years, the interest in developing novel materials has boomed, resulting in a reliable base for the technological progress of human society. This book presents the concept of nanotailoring of sorption properties as well as a new family of composite sorbents, “salt in nanoporous matrix”, based on this concept.
Topics include optimal adsorbents; tools for synthesis; sorption equilibrium of new materials with water, alcohols, ammonia and carbon dioxide; and change in salt properties at the nanoscale. There is also a section discussing the potential application of these sorbents for storage and transformation of low temperature heat, gas drying, maintaining relative humidity in museums, regenerating heat and moisture in ventilation systems and so on.
Key Features:
- Develops the concept of target-oriented synthesis and suggests tools for the tailoring of new adsorbent materials adapted to multiple practical applications
- Contains a comprehensive survey of new nanocomposite sorbents “salt in porous matrix”
- Describes the properties of a number of composite sorbents of water, alcohols, ammonia and carbon dioxide