"There has been great interest and research activity in the recent past on carbon nanotubes in the fields of physics, chemistry and engineering. Nevertheless, if nanotubes are to be widely used in the future, it is critical that engineering designers can obtain their mechanical properties and determine their behaviour under external loads. This monograph provides an excellent and comprehensive digest of the state of the art and will allow greater use of these fascinating components in a wider range of applications."
~Dr. M. Ahmer Wadee, Imperial College London, UK
"The book presents a bird's-eye view of the mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes and covers a broad spectrum of topics, which include linear and non-linear behavior, buckling, fracture, sliding, effects of irradiation, and mechanical resonance. The chapters are very well structured for a comprehensive understanding since the authors fold experimental, modeling, and analytical investigation into one volume, an aspect that will appeal to a newcomer to the field. This book is an ideal reference for those interested in the multidisciplinary applications of nanotubes."
~Prof. Apparao M. Rao, Clemson University, USA
"This book not only covers the most important topics and developments in the study of carbon nanotubes’ mechanical properties but also makes excellent connections between properties and multi-scale methods that are used to perform frontier research. It will save readers from spending their valuable time on searching and reading too much literature. The book will help graduate students to utilize state-of-the-art approaches to investigate scientific problems and make contributions, even beyond the scope of carbon nanotubes."
~Dr. Chun Tang, University of California, USA
"This book provides a comprehensive overview of the mechanics of carbon nanotubes (CNTs), with an in-depth yet understandable coverage of both its elastic and inelastic behaviors. It also includes other important mechanical aspects of CNTs, including tribology, cohesion in composites, and structural modifications upon irradiation. The balance between experiment and theory, or between fundamental properties and applications, makes this book a unique reference, which collects in a thoughtful way 20 years of research in the field."
~Prof. Marino Arroyo, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech, Spain
"This excellent book is devoted to the mechanical analysis and behavior of carbon nanotubes (CNTs). There are plenty of books dedicated to the characterization of CNTs, but the information often appears diffuse and scattered, with many diverged topics. For the first time, this book concentrates on the mechanical characterization of CNTs, including experiments, modelling and analysis. It contains 13 chapters dedicated to several topics, ranging from the simulation methods to several behavioural and mechanical aspects such as buckling, fracture, super-elongation, defects, sliding and reinforcement. The text focuses on the basic principles behind the mechanical properties of CNTs and gives the background essential for understanding the recent developments."
~Prof. Nuno Silvestre, University of Lisbon, Portugal