"This book edited by the leading experts on electonic tongues is the first ever to give a concise overview over this technique, which in contrast to electronic noses working in gas phase is still quite "uncharted area". The editors and authors have gathered an impressive collection of high-quality chapters covering different aspects of multisensor systems in liquid phase comprising both novel recognition techniques (both biomimetic and biological ones), fundamental aspects and innovative device development. Together with the fact that chemometrics is only covered as far as application requires it, this book gives an easily accessible introduction not only into multisensors in liquid phase, but sensing in general and is therefore an invaluable tool for both researchers and graduate students interested in the field."
~Dr. Peter Lieberzeit, University of Vienna, Austria
“Technology prognosticators have already forecast that the era of new generation of machines with capabilities like human senses (to see, smell, touch, taste and hear) has set in. This book titled “Multisensor Systems for Chemical Analysis: Materials and Sensors” is a very well timed endeavour to enable researchers in the multidisciplinary field of chemical sensors and electronic tongue to respond to the research challenges of such sensory computing. The book starts with liquid extraction methodologies followed by photocurable polymer membranes and metallic sensors. Also the unique material like Phthalocyanines and lignin derivatives have been introduced as potential ingredients for chemical sensors. Also description of biosensors with nanostructured films gave a completeness to the discussion on multisensor systems. What I liked most of the book is its intensive focus to details of fabrication procedures which is very rare in such publications. To the best of my knowledge, such unique conglomeration of the crucial research topics covered in the book was not available to students and researchers in such detailed and lucid manner before publication of this book. The editors have accomplished a Himalayan task with absolute simplicity by introducing novel research topics in a single volume. I congratulate the authors and editors for the outstanding accomplishment.”
~Dr. Nabarun Bhattacharyya, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), India
“This unique and interesting book provides the reader with an insight into the future of analytical electrochemistry in which multi-sensor systems (electronic tongues) provide information on the state and quantity of analytes dissolved in multicomponent media, e.g., natural waters, biological fluids, wines, foods, wastes, etc.
The future is clearly interdisciplinary, combining physics, chemistry, biology, electronics, and statistics to yield answers to unique analytical problems. Although the book focuses on the development of sensors, sensor materials, and their preparation, providing information on the construction of thin films, ion-sensitive field transistors, ion-selective polymer membranes, metallic sensors, fabrication of microelectrode arrays, etc., it also provides basic information on the electrochemical techniques employed, e.g., potentiometry, voltammetry, conductometry, amperometry, electrochemical impedance, and others. Finally, the book provides an ample review of the literature up to the present.
Multisensor Systems for Chemical Analysis: Materials and Sensors, a monograph written by the leading practitioners in the field, is essential reading for those who wish to enter this difficult, but fascinating, analytical province.”
~Dr. Alberto Zirino, University of California, San Diego, USA
“This text is a welcome addition to the literature on chemical sensors, and in particular, chemical sensor arrays. It provides an excellent grounding in the molecular basis of sensor responses, and how this molecular response can be transduced in various ways to produce an analytically useful signal. The emphasis is mainly on electrochemical sensors, and in particular, the use of sensor arrays and pattern recognition to provide multicomponent information. Detailed case studies in environmental sensing, clinical analysis and food quality monitoring are provided, along with enough theoretical background to provide the reader with a solid grounding in the principles of chemical sensing and biosensing.”
~Prof. Dermot Diamond, Dublin City University, Ireland
“This book is devoted to the recent advances in the development of artificial sensory systems widely known as electronic tongues (ETs). It gives detailed explanations of the fundamental principles and concepts employed in the development of ET devices and contains various case studies with real-life examples of ET applications. The unique and interesting book thus shows a screenshot of diverse research efforts in the ET field and will, hopefully, inspire new fruitful ideas and innovative practical advances. It will be helpful for a wide range of readers, from university students to researchers.”
~International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry