Single-molecule electronics have evolved as a vibrant research field during the last two decades. The vision is to be able to create electronic components at the highest level of miniaturization—the single molecule.
This book compiles and details cutting-edge research with contributions from chemists, physicists, theoreticians, and engineers. It covers all aspects of single-molecule electronics, from the theory through experimental realizations and the chemical synthesis of molecular components to the implementation of molecular components in future integrated circuits. It describes in detail both established methods and recent advances in the field, including vibrational effects, switching phenomena, quantum interference, thermal power, and parallel assembly strategies. The authors add more details to the chapters than typically found in the primary literature, so that the book can be read not only by specialists but also by non-experts and students with an interest in the research field. Each chapter is accompanied by work questions, and a solutions manual is also provided.
About the Editor:
Kasper Moth-Poulsen is a research group leader in the field of nanomaterials chemistry at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. His research activities focus on the synthesis and assembly of single-molecule electronic components as well as the development of methods for the storage of solar energy in molecular materials. Dr. Moth-Poulsen has published more than 35 research papers and contributed to more than 25 scientific conferences and meetings. In 2013, he received a stipend from His Swedish Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf’s foundation, as well as a Starting Grant from the European Research Council.