Wan-Chi Siu, a PhD graduate of Imperial College London, is emeritus professor and was chair professor, head (Electronic and Information Engineering), and dean of the Engineering Faculty of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He was the convener of the First Engineering/IT Panel of the 1993 Research Assessment Exercise in Hong Kong and vice president, conference board chair, and core member of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (2012–2014). Prof. Siu is a life-fellow of the IEEE, fellow of the IET and the HKIE, and president (2017–2018) of the Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association. He has been a guest editor/subject editor/associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Image Processing, Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, and Electronics Letters, published over 500 research papers, and organized IEEE-sponsored flagship conferences as the TPC chair (ISCAS1997) and general chair (ICASSP2003 and ICIP2010).
A.G. CONSTANTINIDES is the Professor of Communications and Signal Processing at Imperial College (London) and former Head of Communications and Signal Processing Division of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the same place. He has been actively involved with research in various aspects of digital signal processing, digital image processing, digital filter design, and communications for more than 45 years. His recent work has been directed toward the demanding problems arising in Financial signal processing and he now leads the Financial Signal Processing Lab in the EEE department of Imperial College London.
Professor Constantinides has published several books and over 400 learned articles in the areas of Digital Signal Processing, Image Processing, and Communications, and their many applications.
He has served as the First President of the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP) and has contributed in this capacity to the establishment of the European Journal for Signal Processing. He has been on, and is currently serving as, a member of many technical program committees of the IEEE, the IEE and other international conferences. He has organised the first international series of meetings on Digital Signal Processing, in London initially in 1967, and in Florence (with Professor Vito Cappellini, University of Florence) since 1972.
In 1985 he was decorated by the French government with the Honour of Chevalier, Palmes Academiques and in 1996 with the elevation to Officier, Palmes Academiques. He was awarded the Medal of the Association, Palmes Academiques in 1986, and the Medal of the University of Tienjin, Shanghai, China (1981).
He holds honorary doctorates from European and Far Eastern Universities. Amongst these he values highly the honorary doctorate from the National Technical University of Athens. In addition he holds Visiting Professorships, Distinguished Lectureships, Fellowships and other honours around the world.
Professor Constantinides’ life work has been recorded in a series of audio and video interviews for the IEEE (USA) Archives as a Pioneer of Signal Processing.
He has served as a Member of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, a member of several Technical Committees of the IEEE and the IEE, and is on the Editorial Boards of many professional journals. He has been on the Editorial Board of the Proceedings of the Royal Society, Part B.
Professor Constantinides has acted as advisor to many organisations and governments on modern technology and development. He has served on Professorial Selection Committees around the world (15 during the last five years), member of IEE/IEEE Awards Committees, EU University appraising panels, chair (or co-chair) of international conferences.
He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (USA) and of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (UK).
Outside his scientific work Professor Constantinides is actively involved in archaeological studies. He has published on symbols that appear in prehistoric pithoi at the Akrotiri excavations, Santorini. His present archaeological research directions are concerned with the interpretation of diacritical symbols related to animal lists in Linear B and the analysis of the Lahun papyri of the Petrie Museum of Egyptology, London. He holds an Honorary Chair of Archaeology, at the Institute of Archaeology, University College, London.