Handbook of Low-Level Laser Therapy View Front MatterView Back Matter

Handbook of Low-Level Laser Therapy

edited by Michael Hamblin, Tanupriya Agrawal and Marcelo Victor Pires de Sousa

This timely book nicely summarizes the few, currently known, mechanisms underlying photobiomodulation (PBM) in the context of their most promising applications within a wide variety of health-care disciplines. Mainstream scientific communities and professional organizations, today, generally offer mixed reviews about the evidence of PBM research and its practical applications; this collection by many of the most highly recognized PBM authors, then, is an excellent reference for any clinician, scientist, student, or entrepreneur wanting to explore this critically important and unique addition to healthcare. Its perspectives range from enthusiastic acceptance and promotion of PBM applications to the more healthy encouragement of still much-needed clinical research. The references are numerous and invaluable and point to the many other pillars of PBM that have built and continue to work in this exciting movement, and yet there is much to learn.

Dr. Donald Pathoff, Foundation for Photobiomodulation Research, USA
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9789814669603
  • Subject: General Biomedical Engineering
  • Published: October 2016
  • Pages: 1170