In the quest for innovative drug delivery systems attempting to meet the unmet needs in pharmaceutical space, research has taken a much more complicated path that poses a significant challenge for translation. Despite the progress made with novel materials, polyesters still remain at the helm of drug delivery technologies, with a recent example of Bydureon, a once-a-week injection of exenatide, which uses polylactide-co-glycolide. Though there are several reviews covering advances in polyester drug delivery, we lack a single source of reference that covers a broad spectrum of materials design, manufacturing techniques, and applications. This book is therefore an attempt to provide an overview of polyester drug delivery systems.
The book is unique in its own ways: (1) Despite the advances in materials science, polyesters still remain one of the most crucial materials for translational drug delivery, and an attempt has been made for the first time to cover as much as possible under a single reference, and (2) the way the book has been compiled also makes it unique.