An Introduction to Quantum Transport in Semiconductors
“Prof. Ferry is a highly respected expert in quantum transport of nanoscale devices. He has used a vast number of different theoretical tools to model the fascinating transport physics of these systems. He has now collected results of his scholarship in this volume, where the reader will learn about the pragmatic use of various sophisticated techniques, including Green’s functions (both in equilibrium and in nonequilibrium incarnations), density matrices, and Wigner functions. This is probably the first time all this material is available in a single volume using a unified notation, giving the interested reader a unique and self-contained view of the entire field. The reader will also benefit from the many personal and insightful discussions that interlace the technical material. A researcher with a solid command of the theoretical techniques in condensed matter and who wants to work in the borderline of physics and nanoelectronics will find this volume highly useful.”
Prof. Antti-Pekka Jauho, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
- Format: Hardcover
- ISBN: 9789814745864
- Subject: Electronic Materials
- Published: January 2018
- Pages: 525
USD $149.95
For Course Instructors: Inspection Copies