Industrial Biomimetics
"Biomimetics is a cutting-edge field in which imitation of biological structures and functions is pursued to solve complex technological problems. Helpful perspective is gained by recalling the extent to which emulating nature has driven technological innovations in the past. For instance, the invention of Velcro was based on the observation that plant burrs adhere well to humans or other animals. Another oft-cited example is how understanding of bird flight has inspired aircraft design. As the editors point out, the approaches illustrated here include some that began with an engineering task and sought a solution in nature, and others that began with deep knowledge of biology and sought ways to apply it in a particular engineering domain. Each of the 15 chapters in this multi-author volume can be read independently, complete with its own list of up-to-date references. The range of topics is wide, including, for example, an engineered replication of shark skin to achieve fluid control and the development of adhesive products for use under wet conditions, inspired by sessile organisms such as mussels and barnacles. The book would provide useful material for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in engineering."
CHOICE connect
- Format: Hardcover
- ISBN: 9789814800075
- Subject: Nanomaterials and Nanostructures
- Published: June 2019
- Pages: 308
USD $179.95
For Course Instructors: Inspection Copies