Principles of Nanomedicine View Front MatterView Back Matter

Principles of Nanomedicine

by Sourav Bhattacharjee

This University College Dublin professor presents readers with a useful, timely introduction to the principles of nanomedicine. Unveiled in the months just prior to the advent of the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, the text begins with a historical tip of the hat to visionary physicist Richard Feynman and friends, drawing attention to just how much room there was at the nanoscale in 1959. Bhattacharjee's nicely written monograph offers 18 chapters on nanotechnology and nanomedicine addressing diverse subjects, including liposomes, nanotubes, and nanoparticles, all supported by examples and thematically unified within a framework of drug delivery. At the same time, the author suggests new pathways for exploring vexing problems in medicine, such as antibiotic resistance. The chapter on fullerenes is sure to be appreciated, as is the one on dendrimers; another of equal merit is devoted to toxicology. This is a tour de force that readers can own. There are hundreds of references, current to 2017, and provocative end-of-chapter questions, exercises, and critical notes guaranteed to pique interest. All work to reduce the "principles of nanomedicine" to concrete practice. Pre-med readers are advised to especially note the final chapter, a translation of the remaining opportunities and challenges into actionable terms.

Leonard W. Fine, Emeritus Professor, Columbia University, USA
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9789814800426
  • Subject: General Biomedical Engineering
  • Published: September 2019
  • Pages: 588