Living Technology
Philosophy and Ethics at the Crossroads Between Life and Technology
This book is a milestone in spelling out responsibility dealing with cutting-edge research and technology that is transgressing established boundaries between life and technology. You hardly can imagine a better guide for navigating through the complex and controversial ethical debates on this challenging endeavor than Armin Grunwald. All of those, who are going to scrutinize their own judgements on pressing issues like synthetic biology, animal and human enhancement, genome editing, robotics, or artificial intelligence will benefit from this excellent book wrapping up the author’s outstanding knowledge, reliable judgement, and excellent communicative skills in the fields of philosophy and ethics of technology, bioethics, and environmental ethics.
Prof. Peter Dabrock, Former Chair of the German Ethics Council, Germany
- Format: Hardcover
- ISBN: 9789814877701
- Subject: Science
- Published: June 2021
- Pages: 354
USD $79.95
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