Junichi Takeno received his doctorate in engineering in 1979 from Meiji University, Japan, where he was a professor in the Department of Computer Science. In 1994, he was a guest professor at Karlsruhe University, Germany. Prof. Takeno specializes in intelligent robotics, autonomous mobile robots, humanoid robots, artificial intelligence, artificial consciousness, and the robot’s vision, facial expressions, emotions and feelings, and mind. He is currently the president of Heuristics Science Research Institute and a professor emeritus of Meiji University. International Program Committee member of the Computer Science and Information Technologies in Russia, founding member and program committee member of the Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA) USA, editorial board member of the International Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ) and BICA Journal, an RSJ trustee, and editing committee chair of Advanced Robotics. He is also a member of the Permanent Commission for the History of Mechanism and Machine Science of the International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM).