The Ocean as a Creative Experience
Architecture, Art, and Music
"Astronomers, like all humans, think a great deal about seas and oceans. There are waves in plasmas, in galaxies. The search for extraterrestrial life of our kind begins with the search for water and oceans. We haven’t found many yet, and it will take millennia before Jürgen Claus will be able to build and live in harmony with our oceans, as reviewed in depth in this book. This book is an act of optimism that reviews the work of artists and architects internationally who have begun to design and build habitats or the future postdiluvian civilizations. A must-read as part of adapting to accelerating climate change."
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Roger F. Malina, University of Dallas, Texas, USA
- Format: Hardcover
- ISBN: 9789814968577
- Subject: Architectural History and Styles
- Published: January 2023
- Pages: 350
USD $99.95
For Course Instructors: Inspection Copies