Peter H.-T. Liu retired from OMAX Corp., a Hypertherm Company, in March 2022 but still continues his R&D, focusing on precision micromachining. He specializes in qualitative and quantitative flow visualization and instrumentation development for laboratory and field applications. Dr Liu earned his PhD from Colorado State University, USA, in 1972. He served as a postdoctoral fellow at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Colorado, USA, for a year before joining Flow Industries, Inc., USA. His R&D work from 1973 through 1994 was primarily in experimental fluid dynamics. In 1995, Dr. Liu switched his R&D to advanced waterjet technology and maintained it even after joining OMAX Corp. in 2005 until he retired. One of his R&D highlights is the development of micro abrasive waterjet technology for meso-micro machining. Throughout his 50-year career, he actively collaborated with academia at MIT, USA; University of Washington (affiliate associate professor), USA; Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada; National Cheng Kung University (alma mater, visiting professor), Taiwan; and National Taiwan University (visiting specialist). He has published over 90 journal papers and conference proceedings as well as 3 book chapters. He is the inventor or coinventor of 11 U.S. and European patents.