Aural Experience and Soundscape Management
Bringing fresh perspectives to the now well-established field of sensory studies, this book dives into various sounds, voices, musics, and noises that create unique, yet under-researched landscapes of our experience of the world. Although sound seems less fatal than image, it is no less present in our lives. And while it is true that a good four-fifths of human sensory perception comes through the eyes, and only a good tenth through the ears, the proportion of the latter will most definitely increase significantly as the attentive reader makes their way through these fascinating, interconnected, and richly illustrated chapters. This collection is a more than welcome help in understanding what is heard, overheard, and even unheard of today. The book is a kind of scientific microphone, an amplifier, and at the same time a loudspeaker of the recorded soundscapes around us. Everyone who wishes to read sound should listen to this book.
Prof. Dr Mitja Velikonja, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Format: Hardcover
- ISBN: 9789815129038
- Subject: General Architecture
- Published: March 2024
- Pages: 232
USD $119.95
For Course Instructors: Inspection Copies