Engineering Ophthalmology

Engineering Ophthalmology

by Mohsen Shahinpoor, David Soltanpour and Parsa Shahinpoor

This book is an outcome of the authors’ many patent applications and awarded patents covering various aspects of ophthalmology and numerous ophthalmological inventions in the United States. It delves into a wide array of ophthalmological issues and offers a wealth of knowledge and insights into cutting-edge developments in the field. I am confident that students and interns in ophthalmology will obtain substantial knowledge about fundamental ophthalmological disorders and issues from this comprehensive work. I recommend this book to ophthalmologists, optometrists, visual scientists, biomedical engineers, and interns in ophthalmology.

Dr Alireza Ghaffarieh, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard University, USA
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9789815129069
  • Subject: Ophthalmology
  • Published: April 2024
  • Pages: 688