Attila Pavlath
Attila Pavlath is a senior emeritus scientist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). He received his education in Budapest, Hungary. After his stint as an assistant professor at the Technical University of Budapest, he left Hungary in 1956 and joined McGill University, Canada, as a research fellow. In 1958, he joined Stauffer Chemical Company, California, to lead a research group on agriculture-related problems. In 1967, he joined the USDA, where he headed several research projects at the Western Regional Research Center, Albany, California, and is still involved in research. Dr. Pavlath has published more than 130 research papers, has authored 10 books and numerous chapters, and holds 25 patents. In 1997, he received the Pioneer of the Year award from the American Institute of Chemists. In 1999, he was elected president of the American Chemical Society, and in 2004, he was elected to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.