Ibrahim Abdulhalim
Ibrahim Abdulhalim is a professor in the Department of Electrooptic Engineering at Ben Gurion University. He has worked in research and development in a variety of academic institutions and industrial companies. From August 1988 till May 1991, he was a research associate within the Optoelectronic Computing Systems Center in the University of Colorado at Boulder, USA where he worked on ferroelectric liquid crystal spatial light modulators. During July 1991 till July 1993 he was a research fellow in the Optoelectronics Research Center of Southampton University, England, working on fiber acousto-optic modulators for Q-switching and Mode-locking of fiber lasers. During 2000-2001 he was with the Thin Films Center of the University of Western Scotland as a researcher and lecturer. Among the companies he worked for are KLA-Tencor and Nova measuring instruments working in optical metrology systems for the inspection of the fabrication processes in the microelectronics industry and in GWS-Photonics working on guided wave liquid crystal devices for the optical telecommunications. Since October 2005 he joined the Department of Electrooptic Engineering at Ben Gurion University. His current research activities involve liquid crystal devices, nanophotonic and plasmonic structures for biosensing, improved biomedical optical imaging techniques such as spectropolarimetric imaging and full field optical coherence tomography using liquid crystal devices. Prof. Abdulhalim has published over 120 journal articles, 60 conference proceedings papers, 10 book chapters, coauthored 1 book titled Integrated Nanophotonic Devices (Micro and Nano Technologies), and has 10 patents. He became a fellow of the Institute of Physics, UK in 2004 and SPIE fellow in 2010. He is an associate editor of the SPIE Journal of NanoPhotonics and for the Journal of Physics Express. Prof. Abdulhalim is acting as the head of Department of Electrooptic Engineering since 2007.