José Manuel Perlado
José Manuel Perlado Martín is full professor and chair of nuclear physics at the Universidad Politecnica Madrid (UPM), Spain, and director of the Instituto Fusion Nuclear, UPM. He is the Spanish representative in the EURATOM Program Committee for Fission and Fusion, member of the ESS Technical Advisory Committee, and Spanish principal investigator in the ESFRI HiPER Project for Inertial Fusion Energy. He was an invited scientist at the Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Japan; the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), USA; the Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia; and CERN, Switzerland. Prof. M. Perlado is the author of 4 books on energy, editor of several other books, and author of about 300 Journal Citation Reports (JCR) publications.