Physics / Condensed Matter Physics Showing results 1-15 of 90 Books Site Content Filter Results OPEN + Sort by:RelevancePub Date (New - Old)Pub Date (Old - New)Title - A to ZTitle - Z to APrice - Low to HighPrice - High to Low Per page:5101520255075100 ‹12345› Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Spintronics (Second Edition)by Vladimir Litvinov Fundamentals of the Optics of MaterialsTutorial and Problem Solvingby Vladimir Gavrilenko and Volodymyr Ovechko SpectroscopyEdited by Nakshatra Bahadur Singh, S S Das and Preeti Gupta Skyrmions and Hall Transportby Bom Soo Kim Columnar Structures of SpheresFundamentals and Applicationsby Jens Winkelmann and Ho-Kei Chan Lévy Statistics and Spin Glass behavior in Random LasersEdited by Anderson Gomes, Andre Moura, Cid de Araujo and Ernesto Raposo Hollow Fibers and Nanofibers in Membrane SciencePreparation, Characterization, and ApplicationsEdited by Alberto Figoli, Mir Saeed Seyed Dorraji and Francesco Galiano Introduction to Ultrathin Silica Filmsby Shamil Shaikhutdinov Mechanochemical Synthesis of Composite Materialsby Zulkhair Mansurov, Nina Nikolaevna Mofa, Tlek Aitmukhanovich Ketegenov and Bakhtiyar Seisembekovich Sadykov Science and Applications of NanoparticlesEdited by Waqar Ahmed and Ehsan Nourafkan Topological Quantum MaterialsConcepts, Models, and PhenomenaEdited by Grigory Tkachov Bulk and Surface Acoustic WavesFundamentals, Devices, and Applicationsby Guigen Zhang Carrier Modulation in Graphene and its ApplicationsEdited by Arun Kumar Singh Physical Models for Quantum Wires, Nanotubes, and NanoribbonsEdited by Jean-Pierre Leburton Nanostructured Carbon Electron Emitters and its ApplicationsEdited by Yahachi Saito Sort by:RelevancePub Date (New - Old)Pub Date (Old - New)Title - A to ZTitle - Z to APrice - Low to HighPrice - High to Low Per page:5101520255075100 ‹12345›