Social Science / General Social Science Showing results 1-11 of 11 Books Site Content Filter Results OPEN + Sort by:RelevancePub Date (New - Old)Pub Date (Old - New)Title - A to ZTitle - Z to APrice - Low to HighPrice - High to Low Per page:5101520255075100 ‹1› China’s Environmental SolutionsPolicies, Technologies, and Perspectivesby Rolf Schmid and Xin Xiong Logic for KidsAll Aboard the Therefore Train!by Arnold Cusmariu A Triple Bottom Line Analysis of Global Consumptionby Joy Murray, Anne Owen, Moana Simas and Arunima Malik Consumers and Nanotechnology (Second Edition)Deliberative Processes and MethodologiesEdited by Pal Strandbakken, Gerd Scholl and Eivind Sto The Social Effects of Global TradeQuantifying Impacts Using Multi-Regional Input-Output AnalysisEdited by Joy Murray, Arunima Malik and Arne Geschke Why Are We Conscious?A Scientist’s Take on Consciousness and Extrasensory Perceptionby David E. H. Jones Complexity and the Human ExperienceModeling Complexity in the Humanities and Social SciencesEdited by Paul Youngman and Mirsad Hadzikadic Networks in SocietyLinks and Languageby Robert Stocker and Terry Bossomaier Emerging TechnologiesSocio-Behavioral Life Cycle ApproachesEdited by Nora Savage, Michael E. Gorman and Anita Street Consumers and NanotechnologyDeliberative Processes, Social Barriers and Methodologiesby Harald Throne-Holst, Gerd Scholl, Eivind Sto and Pal Strandbakken Nano Meets MacroSocial Perspectives on Nanoscale Sciences and Technologiesby Kamilla Kjølberg and Fern Wickson Sort by:RelevancePub Date (New - Old)Pub Date (Old - New)Title - A to ZTitle - Z to APrice - Low to HighPrice - High to Low Per page:5101520255075100 ‹1›