“Higher-harmonic coherent soft X-rays can be generated by using femtosecond pulses in the short wavelength range, which is also called the water window region (4.3 ~ 2.4 nm). This technique has opened new areas of research in biology and medicine wherein biologically alive cells can be observed in femtosecond time and nanometer spatial resolution. This book presents this aspect with respect to atom and plasma physics through a new frontier that was developed by a group involving the author. I recommend this book for any researcher who will challenge a nonlinear coherent laser physics toward soft X-ray lasers and their application in any further fields.”
~Prof. Hiroto Kuroda, Saitama Medical University, Japan
“This book is on the nascent, upcoming field of ‘plasma harmonics’, a term coined by the author for the high order harmonics produced in ‘plasma plumes’ instead of in gases. The book gives theoretical background of the various aspects of plasma harmonics, as well as a full review of all the experimental work done till date in this field. The author is an authority in this field, and the book would be very useful for researchers working in the field of high-order harmonic generation using short-pulse lasers.”
~Dr. Prasad A. Naik, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, India
“The study of the interaction of matter and laser fields is a rapidly developing discipline which discloses effects of basic and applicative importance. In particular, a strong laser stimulates atoms and molecules to emit harmonics of the pump via a nonlinear frequency conversion process, called high harmonic generation (HHG).
Rashid Ganeev has contributed to the birth and development of HHG from plasma with a strong physical insight and brilliant experimental solutions. He has used all his experience and physical vision to write this modern and up-to-date presentation of the topic both from the experimental and theoretical point of view.
The theory of the processes is presented with care to enhance the readers’ physical understanding of the topic, and the experiments are thoroughly discussed without indulging in distracting technicalities.
The book is recommended both to advanced researchers as well as to students who wish to be introduced into the world of harmonic generation from plasma but also from atoms and molecules.”
~Prof. Emilio Fiordilino, University of Palermo, Italy
"This book provides an excellent review of the most recent results on the generation of low- and high-order harmonics, using plasma as the nonlinear medium. The author has done an excellent job in presenting detailed accounts of various experiments and by covering at the same time a broad range of phenomena in this field. This would be an excellent reference for both scientists and students alike."
~Prof. Tsuneyuki Ozaki, Université INRS, Canada
“This book gives an introduction and a report on the current status of high-order harmonic generation in laser-generated plasmas. This new medium greatly extends the possibilities for high-order harmonic generation by intense laser fields compared to the standard generation in rare gases. The author is the driving person of this field, which emerged in the last decade and currently shows its great potential. Not only well-established and documented material from the early stages of research in this field is given, but very new and inspiring results are also discussed. The last three chapters of the book are the most interesting part as they discuss harmonic generation by femtosecond laser pulses. Results on specific plasma plumes of carbon, silver, tin, and manganese are presented. New developments using molecular plasma generated from fullerenes and uracil, as well as from nanoparticles, open new field for research. There the perspectives of a spatially structured plasma for quasi phase matching is the most promising way to increase the harmonic output. Besides experimental details, the author also provides theoretical details about harmonic generation in plasmas, and elaborates them in later chapters of the book.
The text is well written and a very useful introduction to this fast-growing field. The book gives a true overview of the techniques, ample examples, and a perspective of the future developments. Both experienced researchers and graduate students will profit from this overview.”
~Dr. Helmut Zacharias, University of Münster, Germany
“This monograph, written by a well-recognized expert on the subject, Rashid A. Ganeev, provides an updated overview of different aspects of the field of harmonic generation in laser ablation plasmas. It addresses the theoretical basis of plasma harmonics and reviews recent results regarding low- and high-order harmonics in plasmas generated by laser pulses in the nanosecond to the femtosecond range. For both young scientists and experts, the book constitutes an excellent compilation of the newest advances in this highly multidisciplinary field, crisscrossing the domains of material science, nonlinear optics, and laser spectroscopy.”
~Dr. Marta Castillejo, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain