In recent decades, metrology—an accurate and precise technology of high quality for automotive engines—has garnered a great deal of scientific interest owing to its unique advanced soft engineering techniques in design and diagnostics. Used in a variety of scientific applications, these techniques are now widely regarded as safer, more efficient, and more effective than traditional ones.
This book compiles and details the cutting-edge research in science and engineering from the Egyptian Metrology Institute (National Institute for Standards) for accurate and precise engineering that are currently revolutionizing advanced dimensional techniques through the development of coordinate and surface metrology. Edited by Dr. Salah H. R. Ali, a prominent in micro- and nanotechnology and automotive metrology researcher, this book will appeal to anyone involved in dimensional metrology, measurement strategies, accurate and precise measurement science, coordinate metrology, CMM error separation, CMM verification, Talyround accuracy, new and overall engine efficiency, warm-up engine diagnosis, or manufacturing quality of automotive engine research in the area of engine machining and coating surface.
About the Author:
Dr. Salah H.R. Ali is associate professor in the Engineering and Surface Metrology Department, National Institute for Standards (NIS), Egypt. A prominent automotive metrology researcher, he obtained his BSc and MSc in automotive engineering from Helwan University and his PhD in mechanical design and production engineering from Cairo University in 2003. He teaches undergraduate and postgraduate (PhD, MSc, and MEng) students and is an academic advisor for several MSc and PhD degrees students at various universities. Dr. Salah has published more than 65 research papers in national and international journals, 2 book chapters, and 2 patents—2 more being under registration. He reviews drafts for Egyptian standards and research papers for several international journals, is on the editorial board of many others, and is a member of the scientific community of international conferences. He has been invited to and has participated as keynote speaker and sessions chairman in numerous conferences. Dr. Salah has been elected a secretary in the Egyptian National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. He is also a fellow and member in scientific societies of mechanical engineers. His current research interests include precision engineering, advanced coordinate and surface metrology, auto metrology, tribology, and nanomaterials technology.