Disordered Semiconductors
Physics and Applications (Second Edition)
This book comprises the latest knowledge on disordered semiconductors as a material and an application. It clearly demonstrates that, contrasted with traditional single-crystal materials, using disordered semiconductors to design devices requires new approaches because of their unique features. Compared with the first edition, it discusses new types of disordered semiconductors, expands parts of property control methods, and introduces new types of photovoltaic cells and other devices. It is useful for students and researchers in the field of semiconductor physics, solid-state electronics, and nanoelectronics.
Prof. Andrey Kazanskii, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
- Format: Hardcover
- ISBN: 9789814774376
- Subject: Electronic Materials
- Published: September 2018
- Pages: 340
USD $179.95
For Course Instructors: Inspection Copies