This book focuses on the conventional and emerging applications of radiations, which include radio waves and ultraviolet and gamma radiations. It discusses new techniques in radiation therapy and the effects of ionizing radiations on biological systems. The applications of radiations in the synthesis and use of nanoparticles along with the effects of hypergravity indicate a new trend. The book offers a concise account of the latest studies carried out so far and shows the new initiatives to be undertaken in the field of medicine and biology. It covers the medical use of radiations, such as ferrous sulfate–benzoic acid–xylenol orange dosimetry, Co-60 tomotherapy, radio-electro-chemotherapy, and fractional radiotherapy, and radiobiological effects, such as the effects of cell phone radiations on human health parameters and the combined effects of radiations and hypergravity on plants.
About the Editors
Pandit B. Vidyasagar is vice-chancellor at Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Maharashtra, India. He has 30 years’ teaching and research experience. He has published several research articles and authored and edited books on the foundation course in physics, computed tomography, scientists’ biographies, education, and popularization of science. Prof. Vidyasagar has received several awards at the national level and regular and senior associateship from the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy. He has held coveted positions at Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU), Maharashtra, India.
Sagar S. Jagtap is assistant professor in the Department of Physics, Haribhai V. Desai College, affiliated to SPPU. He obtained his MSc and PhD degrees in physics from the Department of Physics, SPPU. His research interests include the effects of altered gravity on biological systems, radiation therapy, and chlorophyll–nanoparticle interaction.
Omprakash Yemul is associate professor in the School of Chemical Sciences, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University. He obtained his PhD from National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, Maharashtra, India. He has 18 years’ experience in the research and development of polymers and their applications. Dr. Yemul has worked in the United States and Japan as well as in the chemical industry at different managerial positions.