Transparent Semiconducting Oxides
Bulk Crystal Growth and Fundamental Properties
“This book covers in detail the physical and thermodynamic properties of transparent semiconducting oxides (TSOs) and provides a most complete survey of the methods that have been applied so far to the bulk growth of these compounds. Each of the treated oxides has a dedicated chapter with rich illustrations and updated references. This ‘encyclopedic’ approach will be extremely valuable for experts as well as for beginners working on the latest generation of wide-bandgap semiconductors. The technical and scientific issues are presented clearly, following a logical sequence, which makes this work a useful tool also for students.”
Prof. Roberto Fornari, University of Parma, Italy
- Format: Hardcover
- ISBN: 9789814800945
- Subject: Condensed Matter Physics
- Published: August 2020
- Pages: 750
USD $219.95
For Course Instructors: Inspection Copies