Sourav Bhattacharjee
Dr. Sourav Bhattacharjee finished his schooling from the Jadavpur Vidyapith in Kolkata, India before joining the Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata (India) and graduating with MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery) in 2004. After a brief period of Resident training in Orthopedic Surgery, he joined MSc in Biomolecular Sciences/Cell Biology in the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (2006). In the meanwhile, he moved to the Edinburgh (UK), where he worked for almost 14 months under the supervision of Prof. Vicki Stone in the Napier University. Upon finishing MSc, he began his Ph.D. in the Wageningen University (Netherlands) in 2008 which he successfully defended in 2012 with a very good thesis grade and quite few research papers. Following that, he worked for a year as a postdoc in the University of Twente (Netherlands). From March 2014 he joined Prof. David Brayden's group in UCD as a postdoc working on the EU FP7 funded TRANS-INT consortium trying to develop nanoparticulate drug delivery platforms for oral insulin delivery. From February 2016 Sourav joined the UCD School of Veterinary Medicine as an Assistant Professor in Veterinary Anatomy while also trying to develop his own niche of research encompassing a broad range of nanobiotechnology and advanced microscopy tools for effective diagnostic and drug delivery platforms.