Physics / Mathematical Physics Showing results 1-15 of 26 Books Site Content Filter Results OPEN + Sort by:RelevancePub Date (New - Old)Pub Date (Old - New)Title - A to ZTitle - Z to APrice - Low to HighPrice - High to Low Per page:5101520255075100 ‹12› Mathematical Methods of PhysicsProblems with Solutionsby Igor V Kolokolov, Evgeny A Kuznetsov, Alexander I Milstein, Evgeny V Podivilov, Alexander I Chernykh, David A Shapiro and Elena G Shapiro Multifragmentation in Heavy Ion ReactionsTheory and ExperimentsEdited by Rajeev K Puri, Yu-Gang Ma and Arun Sharma Mathematical Methods for PhysicsProblems and Solutionsby Farkhad G Aliev and Antonio Lara Skyrmions and Hall Transportby Bom Soo Kim The Math of Body, Soul, and the Universeby Norbert Schwarzer The Möbius Band TopologyHistory, Science and Applications in Nanotechnology, Materials, and the Artsby Klaus Moebius, Martin Plato and Anton Savitsky Solving Physics ProblemsExploring New Thinking Paradigmsby Yipeng Gu Gravity's Timeby C S Unnikrishnan The World FormulaA Late Recognition of David Hilbert‘s Stroke of Geniusby Norbert Schwarzer Bulk and Surface Acoustic WavesFundamentals, Devices, and Applicationsby Guigen Zhang The Theory of EverythingQuantum and Relativity is Everywhere – A Fermat Universeby Norbert Schwarzer Local Gradient Theory for DielectricsFundamentals and Applicationsby Olha Hrytsyna and Vasyl Kondrat The Newman Lectures on Transport PhenomenaEdited by Vincent Battaglia and John Newman Quantum MechanicsA Fundamental Approachby Kong Wan From Atoms to Higgs BosonVoyages in Quasi-Spacetimeby Chary Rangacharyulu and Christopher Polachic Sort by:RelevancePub Date (New - Old)Pub Date (Old - New)Title - A to ZTitle - Z to APrice - Low to HighPrice - High to Low Per page:5101520255075100 ‹12›