Spin Chemical Physics of Graphene View Front MatterView Back Matter

Spin Chemical Physics of Graphene

by Elena Sheka

The age of nanosystems was eventually consecrated from the fullerene discovery contemporarily strengthened by the evergrowing mathematical–chemical topological studies of its organic precursors, especially benzenoid systems; however, the fullerene’s rather limitative technological readiness level in real applications damped the true potential of the “bottom world” as it was earlier predicted. The rise of graphene opened a new hope with a promise to revive the transdisciplinary nanosciences as physics and chemistry provide. This book by Dr. Sheka aptly serves the purpose of securing the graphene promise in being a reliable structural support, a versatile easy-to-integrate tool, and a means through which the wave−corpuscular complementary nature of nanomatter finally finds its true representative in both fundamental science and intelligent nanotechnologies. It is a compendium and an open book alike: It provides ultimate structural information and orients the graphenic framework for the real application by employing the spin (true quantum) nature of the electronic structure on the graphenic-landia. From quantum classics to quantum relativistic as well as to magnetic features and the chemical basic processes, such as hydrogenation, oxidation, and redox, and even to mixed systems when the scattering investigation is about (especially by neutrons’ scattering) or by spin mechanochemistry, spin topochemistry, and photonics on the graphenic quantum dots, all are synergistically presented in a complex nanoscale analysis. Besides, the book succeeds in making the step toward the characterization of silicenic and tetrelenic structures while learning the fullerenic–graphenic lessons and in assuring the molectronic context by which the future smart molecular spin–based electronics will be structurally explored for sustainable design and function.

Prof. Dr. habil. Mihai V. Putz, West University of Timişoara, Romania
  • Format: eBook
  • ISBN: 9781315229270
  • Subject: Condensed Matter Physics
  • Published: November -0001